The Vain Body Journal: There's a new Celeb in town!

My days at the Gym have been going on well. I strive to make a minimum of 4 days in a week, though I almost did 5 days last week, but laziness got the best of me, lol. Have I lost weight since I started? I don't know but I think so. The thing is I didn't weigh myself before I started gyming so there's really nothing to compare with. One thing I can say is that I feel better internally, and my body is a bit more toned. If I keep at it, all my muscles will be popping in a few years time, lol.

Now guess who the most popular member of the gym is?
My one year old son, lol. I bet you didn't see that coming.

When I went to register at the gym, after making payment, I told them my nanny and son will always be with me. They didn't object, but they didn't seem to welcome the idea with open arms. I didn't give them much options though cos I said they are always with me, and I can't be leaving them in the car for such long durations. Because there's no visitors room, they always have to stay at the reception where everyone passes. The sofa is just beside the entrance, even before the registration desk. This means whenever we are around, his face is the everyone sees when they get to the gym.

The thing is my son prefers guys carrying him. In fact, he doesn't really take to the female folk, apart from the nanny and I. Some of these men at the gym now even make the mistake of smiling at him or greeting him. He just goes to full blown tears, stretching his hands to them, cos he expects them to carry him, just like his father does.

So overtime, he has won the hearts of everyone in the Gym, including the attendants who were initially skeptical about his 'gym membership', lol. In fact, whenever I leave them in the car because he hasn't finished his breakfast, they start asking about him, and the few days I don't take him along with me, I see a genuine look of disappointment on their faces. I guess everyone just wants a ray of "child" in a place filled with too much adulting. Who would have thought that the stone which was rejected would become the chief cornerstone? Lol.

1 comment

  1. Blessings....
    Its easy to see really. Children greet you with just genuine affection its hard not to be won over.


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