If you missed my previous post, be sure
to read it here, before proceeding. By doing so, you will to appreciate this post
Haa, people of blogsville, is if fair? Is this how life is? You people just set me up for failure. You want to become Alakobas of my blogsville career? I see you people like drama too much. When I said there are two clans, I meant proper clans, not cliques, as I suspect most of you are expecting. You all want to put me in trouble, ehn. But read on, the post is still interesting, even if it doesn't cause you to bring out your boxing gloves.
Just imagine a real life community that
has two major clans with a wide river separating them, same tribe, same goals,
but different kind of structures and houses. That’s how Nigerians that blog on
Wordpress and Blogger are on the internet.
So yes, there are two major clans in Nigerian
Blogsville. All others are negligible. The blogger clan and Wordpress clan, and
they hardly mix.
If you decide to leave your primary
family to join the other clan, they will beg you to stay, cajole you, try to
convince you. You might give in to their pleas, or decide that you are going, so
you leave them your house address in the clan you are migrating to, but the
truth is they will hardly come to visit you. And some of them will tell you "we
will miss you. Unfortunately, I don’t do wordpress, or I don’t do blogger."
In fact, loads of times, you have to go
back to your house in your former clan, and tell your former family that you
have something new for them in the new house. Some will come, some won’t.
After a while, you concede defeat and
either come back to your former family, or accept that you have lost their
affection and stick with your new family.
There are few, like Angels Beauty, Ms Tizzle,
etc that cut across both clans, they know how to paddle in that river that
separates the two clans, but ask them, it takes serious consistence. Having to
cross a river all the time is not beans.
For me, I did not visit Wordpress bloggers in the
past because they did not have the Google follow button on their blog gadget,
and I couldn’t figure out a way of following them on my blogger dashboard,
which is my method of keeping up to date with blogs I follow. Some people have
other methods. So I just blanked out Wordpress bloggers. But I later figured
out how to add them, so I now cross that river few times, but the truth is that
they hardly come to blogger, so I don’t even know most ones that exist. The
ones I follow are like Angels Beauty and Ms Tizzle, that try not to limit
themselves to any clan.
How do I know blogsville people like to
stay in their clan. Apart from the ‘I don’t do Wordpress or blogger’ comments I
have seen and dropped, I visited my friend’s wordpress blog when he was campaigning
for the Nigerian blog awards. He put up a list of blogs he felt should be
nominated in each category. He typed something like ‘For the blog of the year,
vote a.wordpress.com, b.wordpress.com, or c.wordpress.com, so he didn’t
campaign for any particular blog, as long as it was a, b, or c, he was fine.
They were all Wordpress blogs.
So I pinged him, and asked "how come I didn’t
see any blogspot blog on this long list of yours?" His response was ‘I hate
blogger, I can’t stand it, I don’t visit it.’ And here I was, thinking it was
only blogger people that disliked Wordpress people. That’s a classic example of bloggers who
will never cross that river for anyone.
So when choosing your clan in this
blogsville, choose well, and try to be loyal to one clan, not being from
blogger today, and tomorrow, you tell us to follow you to Wordpress. What if
you want to have your house in the two clans at the same time? Fine, but as for
me, it is just too much stress.
Did you notice the irony? Wordpress bloggers still call themselves bloggers, even though they do not use Blogger, lol. They should call themselves Word-pressers. Sorry, I just had to chip that in.
Did you notice the irony? Wordpress bloggers still call themselves bloggers, even though they do not use Blogger, lol. They should call themselves Word-pressers. Sorry, I just had to chip that in.
So this is the end of my ‘How I see Nigerian
blogsville’ rant series. I hope you enjoyed it