Who has discovered the formula to calculate God?
Cos I sure would like to know it
Yesterday it was to fight, as His kingdom suffereth violence
Today, it is to stand still and see His salvation
Who has discovered the formula to calculate God?
Cos I sure would like to know it
Cos yesterday the preacher told me it’s my turn for increase
Two days later, a termination letter was all I had
Who has discovered the formula to calculate God?
Cos I sure would like to know it
Cos yesterday He told me to propose to sister, as she’s His will for me
But today, sister is with another brother at the altar
Who has discovered the formula to calculate God?
Cos I sure would like to know it
Cos Tina who had five abortions conceived on her wedding night
But I kept myself virtuous, yet remain childless after 10 years
Who has discovered the formula to calculate God?
Cos I sure would like to know it
Cos I was broke last year and asked Him for money and he provided the exact amount mysteriously
I was broke yesterday, I used the same prayer point, and in the same prayer room, but received no kobo
Who has discovered the formula to calculate God?
Cos I sure would like to know it
Cos two neighbours each had sickle cell kids, praying for a miracle with the same fervency
One kid died, while one had his genotype mysteriously change to AA at the age of 13
Who has discovered the formula to calculate God?
Cos I sure would like to know it
Cos sometimes I feel life would be easier
If only I could calculate what He would do next.