(Image courtsey of freddywinter) |
Jesus is a servant of Mohammed. He said he could prove it with the bible. When asked to prove, he quoted Matthew 26:39, you know when Jesus bowed his head to the ground asking God to take the cup from Him if He willed it. He said at that point, Jesus was praying to Mohammed because he bowed his head to the ground. Whaaaattt? He also said that in the amplified version, Acts 3:13, where Apostle Paul referred to Jesus as the servant and son of God. The ‘Preacher” conveniently forgot the son part o. He said this proves that Jesus is a servant of Mohammed.
He said Jesus wasn’t sent to the whole world or to die for mankind that he was only sent to the jews to fulfil the law of Moses i.e. Jesus is not a saviour. I did not stay in the car long enough for me to hear him use the Bible to prove this one.
He also said there is no place in the Bible where Christians are asked to go to church in Sunday but the Quran asks Muslims to go to mosque on Friday.
You could tell this man had done his homework on the bible well and had looked for ‘scriptures’ to support his word. The annoying thing is that the people that he was preaching to (I believe they are Christians because they had Igbo names, I know this because they were introducing themselves before asking questions) were being swayed. That is why it is good to be well grounded
It was a long message but of course, we had to come down from the car when we got to work. One of my colleagues said she consciously tuned off her mind from the message after a while and the other said she decided to sleep off, silently praying that the guy will take us to our destination and not elsewhere. They were both of the opinion that the guy deliberately played the ‘message’ for us to hear. We were four in all and we are all Christians.
Do you know that it is things like this that cause religious crises in the north? If the guy should play something like this to some Christian fanatics, they will just start killing each other. Or can you just imagine someone going to some strong fanatics in the north and telling them that Mohammed worships Jesus, I can tell you that not only will they kill that person, they will kill his family and some people will kill on his dead behalf and then, another era of violence erupts. This makes me wonder, why are people just looking for trouble, especially in an area prone to violence like the north?