Sorry people for not posting since, the subsidy issue scattered my posting plans, since I wanted to do the protest thing and sort out myself. Last week wasn't pretty at all for me but I am better now. Can't let the devil steal my joy, cos he didn't give it to me in the first place.
So to continue the post I was to finish last time, please, click this
link in case you missed it.
After the annual stock taking, I also label the year based on how it went. Last year, I decided to do something different. I named my year, based on how I want it to be, based on what I saw that year bringing to me (also tied to the goal). Funny enough, how I named it at the beginning of the year was how it played out in reality.
So I have done that this year again. This is a list of how some of the year was labelled based on how it actually played out in reality.
2005 – My Year of Darkness (The darkest year of my life)
Everything just went bad this year. It started badly, when they sent us away from school in January then cos some idiots burnt the DSAs house. School was rough when we got back, my Dad died, Pastor Bimbo died and so many terrible shizzles happened to me. In fact, at the end of the year, I prayed that I would never ever see such year in my life again.
2006 – My year of good beginnings.
I think it was just an okay year. I had peace of mind, school was looking good. Industrial Attachment was good and my future was generally looking bright. Nothing compared to the previous year at all
2007 – My year of Drama.
This was a mixture of very good and very bad at the same time. One minute I was blazing all A’s in my final year, the next minute, I was dealing with a terrible break up. I mean God really made me shine in this particular year but I suffered, no be small. The drama was just too much.
2008 – My year of Transition
Nothing ‘gen gen’ happened this year. It was just there, but it was a transition stage between two major phases of my life. I just took life as it came.
2009 – My year of Increase
What I actually transitioned to from 2008 manifested. I mean, the difference between my life in 2008 and 2009 was crystal clear. God just increased me, just like that.
2010 – My mirror image year.
One of my best years ever. I say mirror image cos the first half (Jan – June), which was terrible was the direct opposite of (July – Dec). I mean on June 30, my life was in a state of confusion, mess and shambles in all areas, but July 1st, life suddenly became unbelievably good. All the bad things (including an accident) happened in the first half and all the good things happened in the second half
2011 – My year of upliftment.
This is because God actually lifted me up and let everyone know that He lifted me up. I suffered some disappointments, but I counted them as nothing because they were not really important to me and my destiny. The things I really counted important, God did for me and that’s what matters, though they are material stuffs.
2012 – My year of....
As I said, I have written how I want it to be and that’s what it will be at the end of the year. Amen
To the next set of entry games,
1. Interview with Corrupy: This is sort of an animation article, where I actually had the opportunity to interview corruption and ask him some serious questions about him and Nigeria
2. Maybe...: A poem of maybe statements. Maybe this... Maybe that...
3. Waiting for your downfall: A poem about the fact that at every point of your life, some people are actually plotting your downfall and you progress actually irks them out.
So, please, vote for the one you want. If you vote for all, you vote won’t count o, lol.
When I posted the winning entry of the last entry game, I noticed from the comments that some people did not understand it. I am working on my book and it has several entries (comedy, reality, tragedy, poetry, prose, drama and loads of more things). I am therefore posting some of the sample entries on this blog as a kind of preview and to get feedback and suggestions. The entries are all ready and only the winning entry will be posted. If peradventure, the entry you voted doesn’t win, you will have the opportunity to read it in the book. I will have a couple of giveaways, so it’s still kinda fair. And if your choice did not win this time, it might win in the next set.
Let the voting begin. Thank you all for the love and support. Happy subsidy times...