What Nigerian Bloggers should do in 2014

Happy new year to you all. I pray 2014 is a far better year for all of us, not matter how 2013 was. I read 34 books in 2013. If I stuck to my 1 hour reading per day rule, I would have done better. Sometimes, I was too busy, and many times, I was lazy. Hopefully, this year will be better

I am actually writing this post as a result of a comment I gave in the wrap up of the guess the blogger series a month ago, and MsJB's post.

I feel I sound like a broken record any time I say I love Blogsville. I really do. Nigerian Blogsville has turned my life around 360 degrees. My life would not be what it is now if not for it, and that is not an exxageration. Every single business I run now (4 of them) is actually as actally as a result of Blogsville, so it is not like I am just trying to be sentimental here. I am very grateful for everyone I have met here. I was with Cherrywine some nights ago, and she was like all these Blogsville people, even though one has never met them, they are sooo real, a real part of your world.

This is why sometime in the middle of this year, when about 80% of the bloggers were not blogging, I was really bothered. It was like a ripple effect. Some bloggers paused on blogging, and then some, and the some more, and before we knew it, Blogsville was so dry. At first, I just felt people were going through stuffs in their personal life, and blogging just had to take a back seat. What now pained me most was that, when some bloggers finally came after weeks or months to blog, they only blogged about how people were no more blogging, and how Blogsville was not fun, and now dry. And then, they disappeared again.

Let me just confess, I was pissed. How can somebody complain that people are no more blogging and blogsville is dry when they are the number 1 culprits of what they were complaining about. I remember I always commenting that 'if we don't make it fun, who will make it fun for us?' Some people said they were just not blogging cos of the blog trolls that were up and about then, but I said we have to take our community back from them. Abi, where are they now? Gone with the wind! Dem no dey last. 

I know I was blogging all through the season of blog drought, but the truth is that no matter how much I blog,  or how fun and refreshing my posts were, I was just a drop in the ocean. I alone could never make blogsville fun. Mehn, if blogs could haemorrhage, this blog would have bled to death then. So that is why when the Guess the Blogger series idea came to me, I was really excited. I felt it would make people come alive again, and if they come alive, then they can be more motivated to start blogging again. Well, I feel the series made people come alive sha.

So what will we do? In my own opinion, I think let's just try to blog at least once a month in 2014. 12 times a year is not too tasking o, if we really think about it. Let's not leave blogging to the commercial bloggers alone. Abeg people of Blogsville, let's just try. We can do this. You can join MsJB's challenge to make it easier for you to achieve this. Let's make 2014 fun, and let's uplift one another. By God's grace, it will be a good year for us all.


  1. lola the passionate blogger...:)

  2. lol@glowing scenes

    Passion is good na.

    Last year was a bit demotivating for blogging I agree. I have my excuses and I have promised myself to do better this time cause blogging is one of my favourite hobbies and I've missed it and the camaraderie.
    Kudos to all those who determinedly kept blogging thru the drought. 2014 will be better :)

    1. I know your reasons, lol. We are expecting something different from you this year, Yay!

  3. I am IN!
    I contributed to the drought by going on my quiet maternity leave.......Iike you, I love blogsville, that is why I cannot completely bow out, though, I want to sometimes but I enjoy writing.

    1. Madam, you really shocked us o. I never knew you would come back. Glad to have you back.

  4. The dryness was REAL!! Oluwa o, I noticed and it made me sad too.

    ..but Last year was a good blogging year for me and I don't intend to spot :) *Continues to cook short stories*

    1. It was so thick, you could cut through it with a knife. Thanks for keeping blogsville alive.

  5. Thank you for what you've done and try to finish in time past to serve our needs. Really appreciate and congratulate the new year with many new successes!
    Kizi jogos

  6. The most important sentence to me in this post is "I read 34 books in 2013." Howwwwwwwwwwwwww? And why am I such a slacker???????????

    Back to the topic at hand, I think you should take it a step further... Bloggers should comment on posts that they like. It motivates the writer to keep writing. Also, bloggers who get comments should try their best to respond to said comments. Readers like to feel that they have a personal, albeit virtual, relationship with the writers.

    The End.


    1. Lol. I should have read like 80, but I got lazy along the way. I hope I can do better this year.

      As for commenting, it is really discouraging when people don't respond to your comments. Very very. And yes, bloggers should comment. But I have come to notice one thing. Many bloggers don't comment on posts by bloggers who don't comment on other blogs. You get. Its like you reap what you sow kind of thing.

  7. Really thank you for sharing information. I have found a lot of useful things for myself. Thank you for everything, thank you for what you've done and try to finish in time to serve our needs. Happy new year with many new successes! Thank you.

  8. I endorse this your blog post! Lets try and revive the blogsville community! Lets blog at least once a month!

    1. Haaa. You tried last year o. You just came out of nowhere and revived your blog just like dat. Posting almost everyday. You are a very powerful somebody.

  9. 34 books, that's a whole lot.....blogging is therapeutic for me , so most times when words fail me ...I disappear .

    1. Please, don't disappear o. You can always come and gist us something that happened in the office or gbeborun post about your dad, lol.

  10. Great motivation! Thanks a lot for the encouragement! Happy New Year!!!

    1. Happy new year ma'am. Thanks for dropping by.

  11. We'll try.:d You're doing a great job @ilola.

    1. Thanks, my oga. I pray this year is better for us all.

  12. Blogville is like family where everyone is virtual and relationships are real, i am thankful for pple like you who read my blog and keep me weiring, i also intend to be more interactive and comment on other blogs roo, guest blogging is not a bad ideaYou are so right and I am very guilty. .. I need to step up my writing game, I also need to read more, I read 19 books last yr, shame on me.thanks for the wakeupcall.


    1. Aww. Thanks. If you love other bloggers, in the name of visiting and commenting, they will love you back.

  13. This post is my sub... It started from being swamped to giving excuses, to being totally lazy (thinking of all the drafts). I hope I can do better this year.

    @tilola thanks for holding the fort :D. I wish you the best of 2014

  14. Aye Aye! I totally agree with you.. I'm hoping to blog better this year! Blogsville is such a hugeee part of my life :-) xxxx

    1. You did very well last year o. And I just got to know you last year.

  15. 34 books in a year? Nne I hail!! I joined the blogsville community not long ago but I do intend to be consistent with posting. Happy New year dear

    1. If you really want to enjoy blogsville, trust me, you will.

  16. I blame my internet woes for my lack of presence on blogsville...i miss blogging.
    34 books in a year that is such a long list...but then again in this era of ebooks, I think I read close to that.

    Happy new year and hope to blog more this year.

    1. Eeya. Hopefully, it will be better this year.

  17. Someone is feeling me
    I miss blogsville
    It used to be fun, now it feels like a job
    Where are the tags that used to make me discover new blogs?
    Where are the comments that used to make me ROTFL?
    Where are the unending posts that used to keep me locked down on blogsville all through my breaks? Please, if we can, let's fix it or I might pack up soon :)
    You did a good job last year as well, Kudos!

    Thanks Ilola for the shout out :)

    Oya everyone start by joining the 14 for 14 challenge here http://www.janylbenylshares.com/2014/01/14-for-14-challenge-style-my-way.html :))

    1. If you pack up, I will come and draw you out again. You must not go anywhere.

  18. Wow can't believe you read 34 books last year. How did you do it? Well will try. I think bloggers should just encourage other bloggers and blogging will be a lot more interesting. Will try to blog more thus year. www.secretlilies.com

    1. Lol I did o. And 2 of those books were yours. I hope you will visit blogs more this year.

  19. sigh! @ilola really knows how to hit the nail on the head. I should challenge myself with the onepost a month....if I need excusesm I'll ALWAYS find at least 1 reason why I cant blog...and that wasnt the intention of the blog.

    1. Yes o, one will always find excuses. You were actually one of the people who spurred me on to be more interactive on blogger. You can still pick it back.

  20. Hmmm! I feel so guilty and yes, I agree I am the No. 1 culprit here. Time was, when blogging was like a second skin and practically my life but today, I've become a confirmed runaway blogger like Toinlicious once called me. Lol. To worsen things, I feel so helpless about it. Sucks, right? It's 9 days into 2014 and time seems to be running so fast already. Would I change this year? Maybe I didn't think so but with what I just read here, I feel motivated and I'll definitely join in the challenge. So help me God. Atilola, you rock! No flattery! Seriously, you do! Keep it up.

    1. Yes, you are number 1, lol. You are not helpless o. If you want to change, the time is now.

  21. Read your post and must say blog vile has changed...I am guilty of not blogging too. I closed down my old blog and went Mia from blog vile. This year am slowly coming back to blogging...lol

    1. Please, come back o, and let us make it fun again. Let us know when you do.

  22. 34 books in a year, *sits down, nd stare at my shelf of new books*, "vee we can do this". I enjoyed the guess the blogger series, even if I didn't know anyone there. Sometimes the brain shuts down on what to write, nd life takes over. I promise to comment on blogs (I am so guilty of this)

    1. Lool. I hope things will be better this year.

  23. Aww thanks for this post and i certainly miss blogsville too and God willing this year i will not go mia :)

    1. You used to be on fire in the past. What happened?

  24. When I read this I was like I love this girl. Thanks for the motivation. Blogging is fun but people (including me) get lazy or keep procrastinating.

    Here's hoping we all rock our blogs this year and fill this year with gist and advice and love.


    1. Yay. You can now comment. How did you sort the issue out? You have never been a lazy blogger o.

  25. 34 books in a year????? Woooooow. That's ace.
    And thanks for cranking the heat up, we shall blog more this year *fingers crossed*

  26. Let me just jejely pick my sub and go and update

    1. Me, I wasn't talking to you o. But now that you mention it... Lol.

  27. Thank wishes for your new year. This article really gives us a lot of information to be able go beyond this in 2014. Thanks for your sharing.
    Yepi 2

  28. When I read this I was like I love this girl. Thanks for the motivation. Blogging is fun but people (including me) get lazy or keep procrastinating.


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