The Puff puff maker


I have become perfectly skilled in the art of making puff puff, thanks to Chill and relax, the program which I have to host every month. Not like I wasn’t good wth making puff puff before, but my puff puff making skills reminded me for my digital electronics days back in university, where we had to work with binary codes, 1 today 0 tomorrow. Translation: I served you a perfect party puff puff today and a ‘wharraheck is this thing’ tomorrow. 

I have graduated from making a giant mass of amoeba, or as the secondary school students will call it, HamoEba, to making a kind of puff puff that would give 9jafoodie and dobby a run for their money.

You might ask yourself why I have to make for puff puff for Chill and Relax, when I could just buy cupcakes. You might even wonder why I am stressing myself, wasting my time, my mummy’s ororo, and the family gas cooker. Well, the money I get from Chill and Relax donations is very interesting. I have stopped wondering why some pastors shamelessly employ innovative means for their congregation to drop fat offerings. I don’t blame them, and I think I would have take more lessons from them. So if 30 something people want to come to Chill and Relax and hurdle around six tiny cupcakes, be my guest. Else, I am confined to making puff puff.

As you might be suspecting by now, this article really has no point. It is just a useless article to let you know three things
  • I am a good writer, and inspiration can come from the basest things, even as base making puff puff
  • To do a shameless publicity for chill and relax
  • I am now skilled in the art of making puff puff. And if you doubt me, come for Chill and Relax. You yourself will testify.


  1. hahahahaa!!! i see you....they really look gud ;)

    1. Lol. I got this pic from the internet o. I didn't snap mine.

  2. LOl.... What/who/where is chill and relax? Lets come and chop. P.S: don't turn your blog to food blog oh, we love books...

    1. Chill and relax is a monthly freestyle spoken word poetry program held at Gbagada. You can either come and perform, or just come to relax and watch others perform. Entry is free.

    2. And don't worry. I can't betray my true calling, which is writing, and turn this to a food blog. Lai lai.

  3. Oya give us your address now...

    1. abi oh....which kain invite with no location and time be this one?
      @atilola...give proper info and also how many balls of puff puff will I be entitled to?

    2. @ atoskin: 16, Abeni close, Soluyi Gbagada Lagos.

      @ sykik: See your mouth o. Upon all the puff puff you will devour, u won't add weight. Shaking my head for you.

    3. @ilola, lmao....heheh hehehe...this woman, if I "catsh" you.....seriously, I am tempted to attend this event oh, anything to taste your puff-puff and give testimony about @ilola the puff-puff maker

  4. ahahahhaaahahaha @tilola!Now you make puff puff dey hungry me ba? No matter the ones I make at home, it does not come out right as the ones I buy at the busstops!

    1. Yes o. Though I don't eat those bus stop ones, they look enticing. Lol.

  5. Replies
    1. Chill and relax is a monthly freestyle spoken word poetry program held at Gbagada. You can either come and perform, or just come to relax and watch others perform. Entry is free.

  6. Lmaoooo@tilola is just something else.......lmaoooo

  7. I love puff puff too o , and i dont always get it right every i envy you!

    1. As I said, I am now skilled in the art. Lol

  8. This one that i've been craving puff puff before. Atilola well done o sho gbo *side eyes*

    1. Madam, enter the kitchen and make your own. *side eye in return*

  9. That puff puff just did something to my subconscious and now I shall not rest until I have devoured a huge batch... thanks @ilola lol

  10. The puff puffs look so cute. I want! Is there pepper in them?

    Tell us about chill and relax.

    1. I stole that pic from the internet o. That;s not mine. I don't put pepper in them cos its a general program. Chill and relax is a monthly freestyle spoken word poetry program held at Gbagada. You can either come and perform, or just come to relax and watch others perform. Entry is free.

  11. Yummilicious looking puff puff, but how come I suspect this Chill and relax story that you have refused to share details of? Lol.

    1. Lol, don't suspect anything o. Its just a spoken word freestyle program, just like taruwa.

  12. This one that everyone wants to eat puff puff...I have just eaten beans and pap, so adding puff puff would totally ruin my stomach but I would love to taste this your skillfully made puff puff someday. Chill and relax...nice concept!
    Check out my blog!

  13. Lol everyone wants your puff-puff oo.. Maybe we should organize a blogsville puff-puff party*hehehehe*..

    1. How will people get their puff puff na? Will we share it via the comment boxes?

  14. Now, I am sure I can smell puff puff in my house!

    1. Yes o. That's the power of good writing. It can make you feel things that are not there.


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