My Online Course "Registration for Beyond Formulation" starts on...

 As you might already know, I have an online course, where I help small scale Cosmetic Businesses scale their cosmetic business from your kitchen to the marketplace.

We now know when the registration for Beyond Formulation is starting. We know...

when the registration will be open

when you will have the opportunity to take advantage of the early bird discount

when you will invest your money in a course that will revolutionalise your cosmetic business forever

when you will find the courage to look forward forever, and never look backwhen [You can add your own further advantage here]

That time is approaching, and it is drumroll...

September 21, 2020

The intensive online course that will scale your cosmetic business from your kitchen to the marketplace is starting on September 21, 2020, and we are excited. We can't wait to do magic to your cosmetic business.

Please start saving towards this, because we would really like to help you grow your cosmetic business. Nigerian businesses need to thrive, especially in this season.

Click here to join the waiting list, and get all updates about the goodness that this course offers. You don't want to miss the early bird discount.

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